Welcome To The DŌ Blog!

Hi DŌlightful readers!
This is the very first post of the DŌ blog! I’m so excited to welcome you to the most dōlicious place online. I was inspired to start this blog because I have the best time chatting with customers, giving them recommendations, telling them where I got my cute wallpaper and how to make the perfect cocktail to pair with my taster box.
One day I realized, I can’t possibly talk to all of the people that come through the shop. And what one customer wants to know I’m sure all of our fans would enjoy! So the DŌ blog was born. We’ll be sharing thoughts on the DŌpest people, our most-recommended everything, what’s happening behind the scenes at DŌ, some of my favorite recipes and all the random thoughts we want to share.
In Your Kitchen
I’m happy that I get to share my cookie dough and dessert recipes with everyone who comes through the shop, they’re my babies! But I don’t have anywhere to tell everyone about my killer salad dressing recipes and the perfect bourbon cocktail to pair with Signature Chocolate Chip cookie dough...until now! Every post in the In Your Kitchen category will show you how to make something DŌlicious right in your home.
DŌ Around Town
Like I said, one of the best parts of owning the shop is all the dōpe people I get to meet and the cool place DO gets to go! Posts in this category will introduce you to interesting customers, new pop ups, my recommendations around town, and some people that I really look up to! I can’t wait to hit the road with you.
The DŌ Life
I always want to help people live the sweet life! From little trinkets to make you smile to the perfect TV show to watch with a bowl of cookie dough, posts in this category will tell you about all the things that get the DŌ stamp of approval.
Behind the Scenes
There is SO much going on with DŌ, I know you’ve seen our shop and the dough we ship nationwide, but did you know we also teach classes? And make super tall cookie dough layer cakes? And travel to festivals across the country? And carry cones onto airplanes by hand because I can’t bear to see another cracked one in my luggage? These posts will give you the scoop on what we’re doing and how it all happens.
Cookie Dough 101
I know cookie dough. Like I really know cookie dough. Like 1,000 pounds of cookie dough in a year know it. And all those pounds upon pounds of dough have taught me how to make it perfectly, how to store it, and how to enjoy it in some, shall we say, non-traditional ways. This section will be full of cookie dough wisdom.
That’s so RanDŌ
Where do I go to talk about National Bring Your Dog to Work Day?!! Or tell you your cookie dough horoscope - in RanDŌ of course! Here’s a place for the things you need to know but don’t fit neatly anywhere else. Who wants to fit neatly inside the box anyway?! You dough you!